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How an Attorney Can Prove a Workplace Brain Injury Occurred

How an Attorney Can Prove a Workplace Brain Injury Occurred

Missouri brain injury lawyers typically work with clients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries often happen in the workplace — in occupations that are considered dangerous (construction, manufacturing, etc.), or in any workplace where a simple trip or fall can cause a head injury.

One problem with TBIs is that they do not always involve open wounds or even a noticeable concussion. The adverse effects may not surface until weeks or months after the injury incident, lending further confusion as to what happened and why. A skilled brain injury attorney in Springfield, MO knows what to look for, knows who to hire to conduct an accident and medical investigation and understands the way employer insurance companies try to undermine workers compensation claims.

For example, many workers comp insurance companies will try to manipulate neuropsychological testing on a patient to make him or her appear to be less injured than claimed. However, findings in a study of how neuropsychology is used in sports brain injury cases (Methodologic Issues in Neuropsychological Testing, William B. Barr, Journal of Athletic Training, 2001), such diagnostics can be flawed or incomplete. The study explains that many cerebral concussions are subjective, interpretation of tests can be flawed and that no single test can determine whether you’ve had a concussion.

The actual effects of TBI can be devastating to individuals and their loved ones. To learn more about the pursuit of fair and appropriate compensation benefits or possible litigation, contact The Ryan E. Murphy Law Firm LLC in Springfield, MO.

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